My grandmother used to say, anything fried is delicious, though for me anything fried and thote (Burmese salad) is doubly scrumptious. The key to a good Burmese salad is to have the right balance of salty, sour and spicy, as well as a mixture of textures; the freshness of herbs and more substantial ingredients, in this recipe, onion fritters.
As there is a large bunch of mint in the fridge, I decide to use this as well as purple cabbage, radish and carrot for extra colour and crunch. You can also use cucumber, tomato and salad leaves or whatever you have on hand. It’s quick and easy to assemble the onion fritter salad once you have all the Burmese salad dressing ingredients.
8 onion fritters, cut into quarters
20g purple cabbage, finely sliced
1 spring onion sliced thinly
1 carrot, finely sliced
4 radish, sliced
large handful of mint leaves
salad dressing
4 tablespoons tamarind liquid
3 teaspoons roasted chickpea powder
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1 tablespoon garlic oil
a pinch of dried chilli flakes
Prepare all the ingredients for the salad. If you have made onion fritters using my recipe, allow it to cool before mixing into the salad. Toss all the ingredients together, checking for seasoning before serving.
serves: 2
cooking time: 5 mins
Tip: The onion fritter salad can be served as a starter or a side salad for main course.
To make garlic oil, slice a garlic clove thinly and fry in peanut oil. Once it turns golden, remove the garlic and the remaining oil is used in this salad dressing.