When fresh lychees are ripe and juicy, they are beautifully sweet with a unique flavour. It is always a cheery sight to see bunches of lychees in London Chinatown during June when they are usually available. The season in Australia is from late November until March so I am using canned fruit.
Lychee and ginger really works well together; the ginger adds a touch of heat and compliments the sweetness of the lychees. The sorbet is refreshing and I imagine would work well with a sprig of mint for decoration or if you fancy a drop of gin or vodka to create a frozen cocktail.
550g canned lychee, including syrup
½ teaspoon grated fresh ginger
1 kg fresh lychee, peeled & pitted
sugar to taste
½ teaspoon grated fresh ginger
Pour the lychees, including syrup if using canned fruit, into a liquidizer. Purée until smooth and add ginger. If you are using fresh fruit, stir in sugar to taste. Make sure it is slightly over sweet as the freezing with dull the taste. Transfer to an ice cream maker and churn.
If you do not have an ice cream maker, pour into a shallow plastic container, ensuring the mixture is no deeper than 3cm so that if freezes quickly. Place in a freezer and stir every 2 hours with a fork to break up the ice crystals. Repeat this two or three times until the mixture is light and fluffy.
Serves: 4-6
Cooking time: 5 mins
Oh wow that looks so refreshing. A perfect treat for summer. I’ll be poping into China town to get some lychee!! Thanks Cho.
Absolutely delicious!!